About Safety

Am I Safe in the Care of a Midwife?

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are a natural part of life but can be scary for a new mother. You want to provide the best care available for your baby. How can it be safe to bring your baby into the world outside of a hospital?

The Evidence 

Several studies in the United States have shown that healthy women with normal pregnancies who choose midwives are just as likely to have excellent outcomes as those who choose an OB/GYN. What’s more, women who choose midwives tend to endure fewer medical interventions (including continuous electronic fetal monitoring, epidurals, and episiotomies) and have a lower rate of cesarean section. 

"The quality of midwifery care is equivalent to physicians’ care within their area of competence, according to a 1986 study by the Office of Technology Assessment, further, they are better than physicians at providing services which depend on communication with patients and preventive action." (Source: United States Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Nurse-Practitioners, Physicians Assistants, and Certified Nurse-Midwives: A Policy Analysis. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986, pp. 5 – 6. [Health Technology Case Study 37]) 

The Medical University of South Carolina Twin Clinic study demonstrated a lower rate of very early preterm births, very low birth weight infants, neonatal intensive care admissions, and perinatal mortality in a midwife directed clinic where midwifery care is given when compared to an MD directed team where MD care is given. This demonstrated that the contribution of midwives to high-risk prenatal care can be considerable.

There are approximately 10,000 midwives currently practicing. Midwifery practice is legal in every state and in the District of Columbia. Births attended by midwives have risen steadily since 1975; midwives presently attend over 9% of births nationwide and almost 25% of births in some states, including Florida, New Mexico, and Oregon.

What if I Encounter Problems?

If you develop problems during pregnancy, labor, and birth, our team is able to recognize them and is trained to manage emergencies. All Southern Nevada hospitals that have a labor and delivery unit have an on-call OB/GYN. If the need arose to transport to a hospital, care would be available. Even if transport becomes necessary, we will most likely continue to be involved and provide support and care throughout the birth and postpartum.

Home Birth Provides:

  • safe, familiar and private surroundings for labor and birth
  • woman-centered care during pregnancy, labor, and birth
  • family-oriented birth with no strangers present
  • an opportunity for immediate bonding and breastfeeding
  • less disruption and stress for the whole family
  • affirmation that birth is a normal and profound life event

Home Birth Reduces:

  • the risk of infection
  • risks from unnecessary interventions
  • maternal morbidity rates from complications and interventions
  • risks from errors in hospitals
  • interference in bonding and breastfeeding from hospital policies
  • risks from poor staffing levels in hospitals
  • the risks of tampering with the baby


The evidence is overwhelming. With the guidance of an experienced midwife and a well thought out birth plan, you are safe in the care of a midwife.


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